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Sunday, June 19, 2011

In The Arms of Daddy

“In order to strengthen the father in the home, I make two simple suggestions: first, sustain and respect the father in his position; second, give him love, understanding, and some appreciation for his efforts. . . .
                                                           -James E. Faust

We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most. Today is father's day. Maybe it is not as popular as the recognition we give at Mother's day. Fathers are rarely acknowledged for the many and varied ways in which they contribute in the family. Mothers, even those who do not deserve worthy of recognition, are usually more recognized in raising a family than fathers. But the institution of Father’s Day has somehow, sometimes turn our collective sentiment and pay homage to our dear Dads.
In this photo is Brother Louie carrying his sleeping daughter as he walk down the hall from the sacrament meeting. I cannot simply let this sight pass before my very eyes without capturing it. Happy Fathers Day from this wide-eyed wanderer!


  1. I would just like to answer why mothers are given the most recognition in raising a family: it is because mothers give their 101% time and love especially to their children. A father who provides for his family is regarded as a good father. He goes home with his pay and thus he had done his job. But a working mother, despite working long hours at her office need to do things and attend to her children at home and it will never be enough...

    We are discussing about worthy mothers by the way...

    Just an input :)

  2. Thanks Ena! Indeed those worthy mothers should be commended all the time. :)
