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Friday, June 10, 2011

Light Through The Veiled Window

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In this dark and quiet room
Curious Minds always wonder
In Alternating light and gloom
Your existence i always ponder

Enclosed that i cannot yet see
The fullness of your glory
But my hope wont always flee
That I'll catch a glimpse of thee

My windows may not provide
a direct view for my eye
Veiled maybe are my sight
But what of this everyday light?

The witness' tale i believe
That they can see your warm face
I pray for health that i may live
to know the source of the rays

There are people who, in their sickness are bed-ridden and wasn't able to see the outside world anymore. There are also people who were born blind, and cannot see what they call "sun". Nevertheless, they know that the "sun" is true through the warm sensation that it brings and through the stories of those who see it. Today, i woke up but the sun is behind the dark clouds. Rain has been pouring very heavy. But i know it is there. The lights gently breaks the darkness of my room manifesting that the sun has risen, although i cannot see, it is already up there.

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