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Friday, July 15, 2011


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Competition is the spice of sports; but if you make spice the whole meal you'll be sick.
Featured in this photo are four of the most common ingredients of the Philippine cuisine: kamatis(tomato), kalamansi(calamansi), sibuyas(onion) and bawang(garlic). Pinoy food is often served with various dipping sauces such as combos like kamatis and bagoong, kamatis and patis, kalamsi and patis, suka with bawang and sibuyas, kamatis with bawang and sibuyas, and many more. Our Filipino cuisine is distinguished by its bold combination of sweet (tamis), sour (asim), and salty (alat) flavors.
We have a lot of ingredients to spice up our meals and our lives but I am afraid that we see an extensive efforts of dismantling our good traditions and morals by secular peoples... These are ingredients for our nation's catastrophe.

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